Independent Limited Assurance Report to the Management of Teollisuuden Voima
This document is an English translation of the Finnish report
We were engaged by the Management of Teollisuuden Voima (hereafter TVO) to provide limited assurance on TVO’s Employment, Occupational Health and Safety and Training and Education information (hereafter “Corporate Responsibility Information”) for the year ended December 31, 2018. The corporate responsibility information has been presented in TVO’s Responsibility Report 2018, in the “Corporate Responsibility” section’s GRI Index. The scope of the assurance included the following GRI-disclosures:
General Disclosures
102-8: Information on employees and other workers
102-41: Collective bargaining agreements
Management Approach
103-1: Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary
103-2: The management approach and its components
103-3: Evaluation of the management approach
401-1: New employee hires and employee turnover
TVO: Subcontractors working in Annual Outages of OL1 and OL2
TVO: Average workforce at the Olkiluoto 3 construction site
Occupational Health and Safety
Management Approach
103-1: Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary
103-2: The management approach and its components
103-3: Evaluation of the management approach
Occupational Health and Safety
403-2: Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities
Training and Education
Management Approach
103-1: Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary
103-2: The management approach and its components
103-3: Evaluation of the management approach
Training and Education
404-1: Average hours of training per year per employee
Management's responsibilities
The Management of TVO is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the Corporate Responsibility Information in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, and the information and assertions contained within it; for determining TVO’s objectives in respect of sustainable development performance and reporting, including the identification of stakeholders and material issues; and for establishing and maintaining appropriate performance management and internal control systems from which the reported performance information is derived.
Our responsibilities
Our responsibility is to carry out a limited assurance engagement and to express a conclusion based on the work performed. We conducted our engagement in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Revised), Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board IAASB. That Standard requires that we plan and perform the engagement to obtain limited assurance about whether the Corporate Responsibility Information is free from material misstatement.
KPMG Oy Ab applies International Standard on Quality Control ISQC 1 and accordingly maintains a comprehensive system of quality control including documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
We have complied with the independence and other ethical requirements of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants IESBA, which is founded on fundamental principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behavior.
Procedures performed
A limited assurance engagement on a sustainability report consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for the preparation of information presented in the Corporate Responsibility Information, and applying analytical and other evidence gathering procedures, as appropriate. These procedures included for example:
- Interviews with members of the Management to reassert our understanding of the objectives for corporate responsibility and of the connection between corporate responsibility and the business strategy and operations;
- Interviews with relevant staff responsible for providing the information in the Corporate Responsibility Information;
- An assessment of the Corporate Responsibility Information’s conformity with the principles of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards for defining content and reporting quality;
- An assessment of data management processes, information systems and working methods used to gather and consolidate the presented Corporate Responsibility Information, and a review of related internal documents;
- Testing of data accuracy and completeness through samples from information systems and original numerical information.
- One site visit.
The procedures performed in a limited assurance engagement vary in nature and timing from, and are less in extent than for, a reasonable assurance engagement. Consequently the level of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is substantially lower than the assurance that would have been obtained has a reasonable assurance engagement been performed.
Inherent limitations
Inherent limitations exist in all assurance engagements due to the selective testing of the information being examined. Therefore error may occur and not be detected. Additionally, non-financial data may be subject to more inherent limitations than financial data, given both its nature and the methods used for determining, calculating and estimating such data.
Based on the procedures performed and the evidence obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Corporate Responsibility Information of TVO for the year ended December 31, 2018 is not presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the reporting criteria GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards.
Helsinki, 14 March 2019
Tomas Otterström
Partner, Advisory