The safe use of uranium fuel is ensured at all stages of the power production chain, from the responsible procurement of uranium to the safe final disposal of spent fuel. The OL1 and OL2 plant units require an annual total of about 40 tonnes of low-enriched uranium for fuel.
TVO applies a diversified nuclear fuel procurement chain, which means that separate contracts are concluded for the different stages of procurement, usually with several suppliers for each stage. Procurement operations are based on long-term contracts with leading suppliers. Uranium is only acquired from suppliers who meet the strict requirements specified by TVO.
Material efficiency is improved in compliance with the principle of continuous improvement
TVO procures products that are durable and have a long lifespan, and to takes into account opportunities for their recycling and potential reuse at the end of their service lives. The company’s procurement operations ensure safe, competitive, and reliable production and long-term operation of the plant units.
The products and services procured must meet TVO’s quality, work safety and environmental requirements. The availability of products and services necessary for the company’s operations is ensured through long-term contracts based on mutual trust and partnership.
Intermediate agents in production
Chemicals are extensively stored and processed by TVO. The Olkiluoto nuclear power plant is a safety report establishment. The intermediate agents include the fuel of the emergency diesel generators, the reserve power boiler plant, and vehicles (oils) and sodium hypochlorite (NaCIO) used for hydroid control in the seawater systems. The ion-exchange resin used to clean the circulating water as well as solvents, bitumen, and nitrogen used at the plant (other chemicals) are among the reported additives. Consumption of oil increased due to the commissioning tests of the emergency diesel engines that help ensure the safety of OL3.
Oils (m3) | 657 | 258 | 255 | 391 | 277 |
NaClO (15%) (m3) | 45 | 40 | 41 | 45 | 46 |
Other chemicals (t) | 137 | 176 | 235 | 139 | 191 |
Ion exchange resins (t) | 15 | 171) | 18 | 15 | 13 |
1) Data has changed from the one reported last year
Recycling reduces water consumption
In addition to the seawater used as cooling water, the Olkiluoto power plant makes use of fresh water, used as tap water and circulating water. The circulating water that boils in the reactor may not contain any salts, impurities, or particles that could damage the reactor internals. Olkiluoto has all the necessary plants for water treatment: a water treatment plant, a demineralization plant, a laboratory, and a wastewater treatment plant. The tap and circulating water are treated at TVO’s own water treatment plant. Ion exchange and reverse osmosis methods are used to purify the water used in the power plant process. Circulating water is continuously recycled and purified. During annual outages, the fuel pool water is stored in storage pools to wait for redeployment. In total, recycling of water reduces TVO’s need for clean circulating water and the amount of circulating waste water discharged from the plant by approximately 30,000 m3 each year. During the year under review 372,295 m3 of fresh water was taken from the River Eurajoki. The reason for the increase in the consumption of water was the commissioning stage at the OL3 plant unit.

Amount of water (m3)1) | 372,295 | 284,874 | 256,237 | 201,229 | 203,341 |
Water treatment chemicals (t)2) | 117 | 83 | 70 | 43 | 50 |
1) Amount of water pumped from River Eurajoki to Korvensuo. 2) Chemicals used in water processing (H2SO4, NaClO (10%), NaOH, sedimentation chemicals).