Operation complied with the legislation, environmental permits and the environmental management system in 2018.
TVO is committed to promoting the following sustainable development goals of the UN:
The purpose of the targets is to generate stable and climate friendly electricity for the society and to minimize the adverse impacts in all stages of electricity production. In order to achieve the targets, procedures, responsibilities, and timetables are set. To ensure continuous improvement the implementation of the targets are monitored regularly.
Realization of targets set for environmental objectives in 2016-2018
Target was achieved as planned
Target was achieved partly
Target was not achieved
Management of the thermal load of cooling water / Temperature measurements in the sea area 
The cooling water temperature stayed within the limits specified in the environmental permit during the whole period. The extended voluntary monitoring of seawater temperature was continued in the sea areas near Olkiluoto, and measurements were carried out to obtain new information about the spreading of cooling water into the sea area. The analysis of the obtained results was further developed and the results will be utilised in the future in the determination of the baseline state of the environment.
Development of environmental risk management 
TVO has recognized the environmental aspects and risks according to the requirements of the environmental management system. The preparedness plan to manage environmental risks was updated in 2018. Procedures and tools for assessing environmental risks were developed, and a new risk assessment tool was acquired.
Management of environmental issues on OL3 
TVO has prepared an environmental plan for the OL3 plant unit that includes procedures for the management of environmental impacts. The plan was updated to the commissioning stage in 2017.
Optimised and controlled environmental load related to use of chemicals 
The supply of sodium hypochlorite used for the prevention of Cordylophora caspia (freshwater hydroid) was optimised at the OL1/OL2 plant units according to the specified target. Chemical approval procedures were extended to the TVO Group level, and the environmental risks of chemical storage were mitigated by including all protective pools into the scope of regular inspections.
Development of energy efficiency system and activities 
The maintenance and development of the energy efficiency system and activities were continued. Training was provided for both TVO's own personnel and cooperation partners in the determination of measures designed to produce energy savings in a techno-economically lucrative manner.
In 2018, TVO continued conducting baseline state reviews in the buildings that had not been reviewed yet. In addition, new energy consumption counters were installed and unit performance tests and energy analyses were conducted to OL1- and OL2 -plant units after the annual outage.
Acknowledgement of biodiversity 
Key figures describing biodiversity have been introduced in Olkiluoto for the monitoring of changes in the state of the environment, and the factors causing such changes.
Amount of landfill waste less than 9.5% of total amount of waste 
The amount of waste delivered to the landfill in Olkiluoto for final disposal was about 2% of the total amount of waste in 2018. Waste management was developed in Olkiluoto by the renewal project of the waste sorting instructions and giving waste sorting training, for example.
Reduction of low and intermediate level waste 
Training related to TVO's environmental responsibility was provided for TVO's own and external personnel in a practical training (so called mock up -training).
Reduction of environmental impact and costs resulting from work practices of employees 
The environmental and energy efficiency training of the personnel and cooperation partners operating in Olkiluoto was reformed during the year. Environmental responsibility is addressed in many of the training events in the TVO Group and information about it has been communicated through many different channels to ensure that everybody working in Olkiluoto is familiar with the environmental principles and objectives of the TVO Group, and the agreed procedures and practices related to environmental issues.
The number of proactive environmental observations made by the personnel and cooperation partners wanted to be increased considerably, and the objective was achieved with 106 submitted environmental observations.
Sustainable development of land use and construction of infrastructure in Olkiluoto based on TVO Group's business needs 
Surrounded by four nature conservation areas, the small island of Olkiluoto produces around one sixth of all the electricity used in Finland. The target is to operate according to strategic planning in operations by centralising energy production into a small area to minimise the environmental impact and to make it possible to preserve other areas in their natural state. A steering group for infrastructure and land use adapts infrastructure designed and implemented in the area to the natural environment paying particular attention to natural sites and nature conservation areas.
Control and monitoring of environmental management implemented by cooperation partners 
The environmental issues related to the cooperation partners operating in Olkiluoto were monitored through regular environmental inspection rounds. TVO updated the contractors' guidelines related to requirements that concern environmental issues and increased the coverage of supplier assessment surveys.
Ensuring purity of process, zero foreign material non-conformances 
TVO nominated FME- and HU-coordinator to be responsible for the cleanliness of the process. The foreign material exclusion (FME) team has continued to increase the awareness of the personnel and the cooperation partners of the challenges related to foreign materials and reduced the foreign material risks of the process through training and practical exercises. In addition, new and better FME-covers were introduced. Regular cleanliness and order rounds took place during the annual outage.
Maintaining radioactive emissions into atmosphere well below regulatory limits 
Radioactive emissions to the air remained well below the regulatory limits of the authorities despite the fuel leak at plant units. TVO's own targets defined in the ALARA-programme were not achieved in terms of noble gases and iodine.
Maintaining radioactive emissions into water bodies well below regulatory limits 
Radioactive emissions into water bodies (fission and activation products) were considerably lower than the regulatory limits of the authorities. TVO's own targets related to ALARA-program were achieved.
Management of nuclear safety risk 
Risks are actively identified and measured for their probability and consequences by maintaining the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) up-to-date. Identified risks are mitigated according to the Safety As High As Reasonably Achievable (SAHARA) principle. Following the Fukushima accident, TVO has further developed the capabilities of the plant units against extreme natural phenomena and simultaneous losses of power supply. Plant modifications related to these capabilities have been started, and also implemented mostly, which has already been reflected in a considerable reduction of the nuclear safety risk. The rest of the improvements will be implemented in the upcoming years. The changes that occurred in the core damage risk and radioactive emissions risk assessed using the PRA procedure were due to plant modifications as well as improvements made in the PRA models of the plant units.