Better Workplace project develops the Group’s management and operating culture.
Goals of the Better Workplace project include boosting the operations and ensuring good operational preconditions by developing issues pertaining to the employee’s own work, their immediate work community and the entire Group.
The 2018 themes of Better Workplace were the development of work community skills and wellbeing at work, introduction of lessons learned from change management and communication projects to the work of supervisors and the personal safety and occupational health and safety sub-area of the main theme “healthy at work and on the way from work to home”.
The goals in 2018 were performing an intermediate assessment of the results of Better Workplace, monitoring the agreed development actions and integrating the project with other development projects, such as projects on safety culture and wellbeing at work. Additional goals included promoting the concrete development actions, making practical work more fluent and communicating information about these issues. Supervisor training will continue in 2019 in compliance with the above-mentioned goals.
Wellbeing at work as part of development of corporate culture
Key development actions related to the maintenance and development of wellbeing at work in 2018 involved occupational health and safety, personal safety, development of the atmosphere at work and operations arranged together with occupational healthcare services. Furthermore, for the purpose of developing the work community, lectures were held for the employees on topics such as building trust in the work community, the liability of employees, working together, managing stress and efficient meeting practices.
Close cooperation with occupational healthcare services has continued. The company uses an early intervention model and has created models for substitutive and lighter work. Occupational healthcare services focus especially on proactive management and maintenance of working capacity and risk-based working capacity analyses. An example of this is the lively small group activity targeting the factors that threaten the working capacity of special groups.
In addition to the comprehensive occupational healthcare services that are available to all the Group’s employees, supplementary insurance coverage for the employees promotes wellbeing at work. All the Group’s permanent employees have access to voluntary medical expenses insurance, additional accident insurance and travel insurance. The employees’ ability to reconcile work and leisure is supported by using flexitime and a sabbatical leave system. A new system introduced to support the reconciliation of work and leisure is a working hour bank system. The working hour bank system covers senior officials who are included in the scope of the total compensation system.
Employees of TVO Group can use Smartum sports and culture balance, through which the employer supports the employees’ voluntary working capacity maintenance. Over the course of the year, wellbeing at work and community spirit were maintained and promoted by arranging a variety of family and employee events. In addition, the employees have access to several holiday locations.
Navigation discussions as part of everyday work
Performance, workload and coping at work of the employees are monitored through navigation discussions arranged three times per year. The focus in management and supervisory work has been shifted from the monitoring of working hours towards the management of performance. This procedure allows for more flexible ways of working, such as telecommuting, for all employees whose job description allows it. In the navigation discussions, all employees can discuss their development proposals involving the operations of the company, their immediate work community, or their own work with their supervisor.