The operation of the TVO Group is based on the defined principles and values, ethically sustainable operating practices are promoted, and unethical operating practices and situations are challenged. In TVO’s vision, nuclear power-generated electricity commands a competitive price and holds a strong position in the production and investment palette of TVO’s electricity consumers.
The cornerstones of responsible leadership and operating practices are the Company values, on which the Company-level policies and the Code of Conduct are based. TVO's objective is to operate in a responsible, transparent, proactive manner and to continuously improve operation. The Board of Directors approves the strategic objectives and operational guidelines of the Company, such as the Company values, Group-level policies and the Code of Conduct, for example.
TVO complies in its operation with valid laws, regulatory guidelines and principles of good governance. Operation also fulfils the requirements laid down in STUK's Regulations and Nuclear Power Plant Guides (YVL Guides). Everybody working at TVO is required to comply with legislation and regulatory guidelines and regulations, the principles of good governance and TVO's voluntary commitments.
TVO has committed to promote the following United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals in its actions:
The purpose of the targets is to generate stable and climate friendly electricity for the society and to minimize the adverse impacts in all stages of electricity production.
TVO's managerial and supervisory personnel have the task of starting discussions about TVO's policies as well as the values and responsibilities on which they are based, and of controlling that laws and regulatory provisions are complied with in the activities of each responsibility area. The Legal Function in cooperation with the Internal Audit Function and the Safety Function provide support and advice in legal questions and questions related to business ethics. Internal Audit is for its part responsible for verifying that laws and regulatory requirements are taken into account in the operation of the organisation.
TVO's subcontractors are informed about the Code of Conduct by, for example, attaching the Code of Conduct to contracts concluded with contractors and cooperation partners. TVO's personnel and the contractors operating in Olkiluoto need to complete the online training on the Code of Conduct. In 2018, 335 people had completed the training course regarding the Code of Conduct in TVO Group.
TVO’s management system covers production operations at the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant, the maintenance and development of production capacity, the construction of additional production capacity, as well as related steering and resourcing operations. The system meets the requirements of international quality management, environmental and health and safety standards, and has been certified by DNV GL Business Assurance Finland Oy Ab. The general part of the activity-based management system also acts as the licensee’s quality management system approved by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK). Implementation, effectiveness, and efficiency of the system are regularly monitored with internal audits and management reviews.
TVO’s activity-based management system meets the requirements of the following procedures and standards, among others:
• Quality management system ISO 9001:2015, STUK YVL A.3 Management system for a nuclear facility
• Environmental management system ISO 14001:2015, EMAS Regulation 1221/2009
• Energy efficiency system (ETJ+)
• Occupational health and safety management system OHSAS 18001:2007
The most important aspects of responsibility are dealt with in the meetings of the Board and the Committees appointed by the Board from among its members; the Nuclear Safety Committee, for example, deals with matters related to the promotion of the safety culture. The Audit and Finance Committee monitors the development of the shareholder value, among other things. The work of the OL3 Committee focuses on the monitoring and promotion of the power plant project designed to ensure the supply of electricity in Finland and a positive impact on climate.
The management of and the efforts taken in relation to the most significant aspects of responsibility concern the entire organisation of TVO, including the Management Group as well as the Business Units and the service functions. The President & CEO of the Company is responsible for the responsibility objectives and policies of the Company, and they are dealt with and approved by the Management Group. The Management Group is in charge of the implementation of the strategy, strategic projects and objectives as well as the development of future business opportunities. The Management Group also assists the President & CEO in the planning and management of the strategic operation of the TVO Group.
Duties of the Responsibility Team include:
• Making decisions on responsibility goals, policies, operating plan and indicators
• Considering stakeholder expectations
• Monitoring the responsibility goals, actions and indicators
• Preparing, developing and monitoring the implementation of a corporate social responsibility policy and a related Code of Conduct
• Reporting responsibility issues to the CEO and Management Team once or twice a year
The aspects of responsibility are in TVO's organisation and the Organisation Manual dealt with by specific Work Groups:
Safety | Safety Group, Fuel Group, Occupational Safety Group, ALARA Group, Safety Culture Group, Management Group of Corporate and Information Security, CAP Group, Plant Meeting, Ageing Management Group, Research and Development Group, Steering Group of Engineering and Expert Services, Outage Group, Operating Experience Group, Competence Centre for Finance |
Good work community
| Occupational Safety Group, ALARA Group, Competence Centre for HR, Competence Centre for Communication, Better Workplace Steering Committee |
Shareholder value
| Risk Management Group, Steering Group of Engineering and Expert Services, Competence Centre for Finance, Competence Centre for Communication |
Supply of electricity in Finland and climate impact | Environment Group, Energy Efficiency Group, ALARA Group, Environmental and Nuclear Waste Management Research Group, Research and Development Group, Chemicals Work Group, Competence Centre for Communication, Risk Management Group, Regulations Amendments Work Group |