The population and local communities in the vicinity of Olkiluoto belong to the immediate region of the nuclear power plant.
The economic, social, and environmental impact of the operations primarily concerns the municipalities and population of the immediate region. On the other hand, the entire country can be considered to be within the immediate region of TVO, as the cost price electricity of TVO benefits the whole country through the municipally owned energy companies included in TVO’s shareholders.
TVO aims to be a good and active neighbor. This means open dialog and listening to its neighbors. The company organizes various events and meetings to maintain interaction with the residents of neighboring areas.
Close cooperation through several channels
TVO publishes the Uutisia Olkiluodosta (News from Olkiluoto) magazine for the people living in the immediate region, and organizes regular interaction in various forums, such as the Municipal Cooperation Committee. TVO maintains close interaction with Eurajoki in the municipality’s own cooperation team. TVO also participates in the operations of Vuojoki Foundation and Vuojoki cooperation group.
The municipal cooperation committee was established in the 1970s upon the initiative of TVO. The committee is a forum for interaction and the exchange of information, providing local municipal decision-makers with first-hand information. In addition to representatives of TVO and Posiva, the committee includes representatives appointed by the municipalities and towns of Eurajoki, Rauma, Nakkila and Eura.
TVO engages in free-form interaction with the residents of the neighboring areas at open coffee and chat events. These events are always characterized by lively discussion about TVO and nuclear power. TVO is a sponsor company for Eurajoen yhteiskoulu (a junior high school). The school and TVO have arranged themed days for several age groups. Energiaa Länsi-Suomessa (Energy in Western Finland) themed weeks are arranged together with other west-coast power plants.
TVO arranges four science and technology camps per year for elementary school children with the theme Kiinnostus herää kokeilemalla (Whetting your appetite by experimenting). The Olkiluoto science and technology camps have been offered since 2003. Each camp lasts from Monday to Friday and is attended by 22 children, a total of 88 children during the summer. At the camp, the children get to learn about natural sciences and technology on their own terms.
TVO's impact on the local community and surrounding environment
The public may send feedback and questions to TVO via the TVO website or social media channels among other forums. TVO replies to all contacts made with contact details appended. In 2017, TVO received one external expression of concern. TVO’s most significant measurable effect on the region is the increase in the temperature of the sea in the vicinity of the power plant. The increase in the temperature of seawater is regularly monitored and measured, together with the impact of the increased temperature on the seabed.
TVO’s strongest positive impact on the immediate community is related to economic wellbeing and activity in the area, achieved through employment. The local community’s attitude towards investments by the TVO Group, such as the OL3 project and the ONKALO project of Posiva, is positive. The real estate taxes paid by TVO have a significant economic impact on the municipality of Eurajoki, and the neighboring municipalities in the region also benefit from the taxes paid by TVO employees. TVO and the OL3 construction site are important sources of employment and economic prosperity in the region, both directly and indirectly. The purchases of products and services also provide employment and income to local people.