Responsibility is one of the Company’s core values. For TVO the most important aspects of responsibility include a safety culture of a high standard, the supply of electricity to the Finnish people, positive impact on the climate, safeguarding the shareholder value and good work community .
TVO Group and its entire personnel are committed to a high standard safety culture (Chapter 17.1. Safety).
TVO Group-level policies, approved by the management group, outline key objectives related to responsible operations. Group-level policies include:
- Nuclear safety and quality policy (nuclear safety, radiation protection, nuclear material safeguards and quality)
- Corporate social responsibility policy (environment and energy efficiency, procurement, personnel, occupational safety and communications)
- Production policy (plant operation and maintenance as well as increasing the production capacity)
- Corporate safety policy (safety of production and activities as well as the safety of people and facilities, rescue and emergency activities and data security).
TVO’s principles of responsible business operations are described in TVO’s Code of Conduct, which is approved by the Company’s Board of Directors and applies to the entire personnel as well as all partners and subcontractors. TVO’s Code of Conduct complies with OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. TVO considers any non-compliance with its Code of Conduct unacceptable. The Code of Conduct is a part of the training requirements of all TVO employees and it is included in Company’s terms of procurement. Code of Conduct training was completed by 335 persons in total in 2018. The Code of Conduct is published on TVO’s website at
TVO has committed to promote the following United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals in its actions:
TVO reports on its corporate social responsibility in accordance with the core extent of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. TVO’s Responsibility report will be published in spring 2019 on TVO’s online annual report TVO’s Responsibility report has had a limited audition by an external party. The information of Environmental report included in Responsibility report has verificated by an external party.
Objectives and Results of TVO's Responsibility Program
Objectives of responsibility are based on the principle of continuous improvement. The objectives enable the company to follow realization of major responsibility issues.
| Objective 2018 | Actual 2018 |
Reputation index | - | - |
Personnel survey, category
| B | A |
Reports suspecting violations of the Company's Code of Conduct
| - | 6 |
Sick leaves, %
| < 2.2 | 3.1 |
Occupational accident frequency
| < 3.2
| 3.6 |
Collective radiation dose, manmSv
| 1055 | 1101 |
Number of environmental incidents, pcs
| 0 | 2* |
Unplanned energy unavailability factor, %
| 0 | 2.2 |
Number of unplanned automatic scrams, pcs
| 0 | 3 |
Reputation index: TVO Group stakeholder survey, average of respondent groups 0–100; under 50=Weak, 50–62=Moderate, 62–70=Good, over 70=Excellent. The survey is conducted and the results are reported in every two years. The next survey will be conducted in 2019.
Personnel survey: AAA=Excellent, AA+=Good+, AA=Good, A+=Satisfactory+, A= Satisfactory, B=Negative, C=Weak. Implemented every 18 months.
Occupational accident frequency: per million working hours. The indicator is Group-level.
Collective radiation dose: World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) indicator. Reference point: other WANO members’ NPPs. Goal: the best quarter.
Environmental incidents: in class considerable/severe. *During the year occurred one incident and one earlier incident was cleared.
Unplanned energy unavailability factor: % of total production.
Procedures of Nuclear industry were enhanced
The principles of management and working policies in nuclear power plant were developed in 2018 by defining the expectations for Nuclear professionals ie. the expectations for working in nuclear plant and by executing measures to enforce the expectations. The expectations were included in TVO’s Operating System.
The expectations of nuclear professional cover the features of all personnel and contractors working in Olkiluoto. They also include function specified expectations for production, lifecycle management, safety, construction site standards, maintenance and final disposal.
Function specified expectations are complied jointly with Company’s policies, instructions and procedures in every day work. Implementation of expectations for Nuclear professional will be continued in 2019.
Results of Ethical Business
TVO does not accept any kind of corruption or bribery. The Code of Conduct requires employees to refrain from transactions and retreat from situations, which could cause a conflict between the interests of the Company and the individual. The Company maintains a register on the engagements of specified individuals. TVO also has specific instructions regarding hospitality practices and the processing of inside information. Detailed instructions are available regarding the approval procedure of TVO’s commitments (procurement agreements, orders, invoices etc.).
TVO respects the human rights of all people affected by the Company’s operations and expects the same from all companies acting in its supply and subcontracting chains. TVO’s objective is to guarantee good working conditions for all employees. In accordance with its Code of Conduct, TVO does not condone any kind of discrimination or harassment on the grounds of age, gender, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, opinions or other personal characteristics. TVO observes an equality and equal opportunity plan.
All personnel, partner and subcontractor activities at Olkiluoto are supervised by TVO. TVO only trades with approved suppliers. All products and services acquired must meet the requirements of TVO’s safety, quality and environmental standards as well as the principles of responsible business described in the Company’s Code of Conduct. TVO’s supplier review process includes also active monitoring and periodical reviewing of suppliers. By supplier reviews the Company ensures that suppliers follow good practices on environmental, personnel and quality management related issues. During 2018, 152 suppliers were reviewed by various methods.
TVO has a procedure for reporting suspected violations of the Company’s Code of Conduct and abuses of insider information. The report can also be filed anonymously. TVO’s internal audit processes all concerns regarding possible violations against the Code of Conduct or abuses of insider information in such a manner that the rights and the privacy of both the person raising the concern and the alleged violator are protected under all circumstances.
Internal audit investigated six notifications of possible violations against TVO’s Code of Conduct in 2018 and implemented necessary actions.