Nuclear power is a competitive, CO2-free electricity production method. In future, the EU’s stricter binding emission reduction requirements will further improve competitiveness of clean energy when compared to the fossil options.
One of the benefits of nuclear energy is its stable and predictable price to the owners. Most of the total costs of nuclear electricity are capital costs, while fuel costs remain fairly low. The construction and production of nuclear power do not require any financial support from society.
For more than forty years, TVO has produced electricity for its industrial and municipal owners at cost price. TVO’s nuclear electricity has boosted competitiveness of the industrial owners and their prerequisites for providing employment in Finland.
Nuclear power is an extremely efficient energy production method: for example, the amount of uranium fuel that fits into a matchbox is more than enough to produce electricity for one year for a family of four living in a detached house with electric heating. Electricity produced in Finland brings wellbeing and offers the preconditions needed for growth – and it will continue to do so in future as well.
In the case of nuclear power, competitiveness challenges include rising costs and increased price fluctuation due to weather-dependent production. Operators in the nuclear industry are actively developing the industry to secure future operational preconditions.